Township Talk -August 30
New Sylvania Township Firefighters/EMS Josh Kolasinski, Adam Grime, Reyes Garcia, and Shawn Bowman take their oath of office from Fire Chief Michael Ramm at the Aug. 15 Sylvania Township Trustees’ meeting.
TARTA Representative Appointed
Joel Beren will continue to serve as Sylvania Township’s representative to Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority.
The Township Trustees unanimously appointed him to serve the term beginning Oct. 1 through Sept. 30, 2026. Beren had been appointed last February to replace James Caldwell who resigned from his appointment to the TARTA board for a term ending on Sept. 30, 2023.
Real Estate Purchase Approved
At the Aug. 15 Sylvania Township Board of Trustees meeting, Township Administrator Oliver Turner was authorized by the Trustees to enter into an agreement with the Lucas County Economic Development Corporation to purchase 14.49 acres of land at 3750 Silica Rd. for Road & Service Department use. The cost for the property is $253,575 or $17,500 per acre.
“The property will be used to meet the needs of the Road Department,” Turner noted. The acquisition will be finalized upon the completion of due diligence.
Sylvania Township Police Chief Paul Long, right, congratulates Patrol Officer Scott Reed who was sworn into duty at the Aug. 15 meeting.
Public Hearing Set
A public hearing regarding a street lighting petition for Waterside Sylvania Plat 10 will be held at the next Sylvania Township Board of Trustees’ meeting on Sept. 5 at 5 p.m. The petition was submitted by several property owners.
Household Goods, Brush Pickup Scheduled
The household goods pickup for Sylvania Township residents is scheduled to start Monday, Sept. 11. Crews will provide one pass-through for the one-time-only pickup in the Township. To avoid being missed, all items should be placed at the curb or edge of the road by SUNDAY, Sept. 10.
Fall brush pickup also begins Sept. 11. This is also a one-time-only pickup in Sylvania Township. This service consists of removing piles of storm-damaged brush and leaves, such as branches and tree limbs. This service does not include tree removal. Residents must place their storm-damaged brush and leaves along the edge of the roadway in separate piles before the scheduled pickup. Piles should not be placed in the roadway or gutter area.
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