Sylvania Township Police Chief Sarah Toth joins Officer Matt Miller during  ‘Coffee with a Cop’ at the Sylvania Senior Center on March 11.

Safety Town

Safety Town will be held Monday, June 2 through Friday, June 6 from 9 to 11:30 am at Central Trail Elementary School, 4321 Mitchaw Rd.

The program, sponsored and operated by the Sylvania Township Police Department, is for children who will enter a Sylvania school kindergarten in the fall. There is a $50 fee per child and registration is open until May 2.

Teachers, police officers, fire personnel, and special guests will provide information and instruction in an age-appropriate manner regarding safety issues. Topics include stranger danger, fire, bus, bicycle, and pedesterian safety.

For more information, call Officer Matt Miller, 419-720-3009 or email

Snow Removal

According to Sylvania Township Roads Supervisor Rob Nash, the year 2025 started with a flurry of activity for his crew of 12 employees. After finishing 2024 with no measurable ice or snow requiring road crew attention, the situation changed on Jan. 2, 2025, with the first of 11 events lasting through February. Crews spent a total of 748 man hours plowing and salting the 140 miles of township roads resulting in an average of 62 hours of overtime per employee.  Nash noted that there are six snow routes requiring approximately four hours to salt and eight hours to plow and salt. “Drivers are assigned a route and generally stay on that route all year so they are familiar with it and become more efficient at the task,” he said. Road crews have spread about 1,200 tons of salt to maintain safe driving conditions this year.

Board of Zoning Appeals

Sylvania Township Board of Zoning Appeals members voted four to one to decline the zoning variance requested by the residents of 4620 Brookhurst Rd. The residents want to install flush-mounted solar panels on the front section of their south-facing roof, which is the better location for the panels, rather than the rear side-facing roof as allowed by the zoning regulation. However, BZA board member Don Miller suggested the applicants petition the Township Board of Trustees to change the zoning regulation.


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Trustee Meeting March 18